Solving America’s Greatest Conflict:
The Public Interest vs. Private Rights
Polls in late 2018 show that 60% of Democratic voters favor socialism over free enterprise, and Democratic candidates for office are openly including a call for socialism as part of their campaign platforms. But society or the public as a whole is an abstraction, not a living entity and does not have interests. This is why attempts to institute socialism inevitably lead to influence peddling, corruption, and the destruction of societies that implement it. A misunderstanding of what properly belongs in the public vs. the private realm is at the heart of the conflict. To counter this misunderstanding and reverse the ominous trend toward a belief in socialism in the U.S. we are offering ROAR’s first publication.
Testimonials for Solving America’s Greatest Conflict: The Public Interest vs. Private Rights
The term “public interest or any of its variants is a thorny and persistent problem because it serves no public interest at all. It is used as an excuse to fund projects that this of that person or group or agency wishes to pursue by violating the rights of individual citizens … In his short but pithy book, Mike Gemmell exposes both past and present damage caused by misuse and disabuse of this concept. Individual rights must always reign supreme in a constitutional republic, and this truth is well supported as he addresses the subject straight on.
- Alexandra York,
Author of Lying AS A WAY OF LIFE: Corruption and Collectivism Come of Age in America
I believe that were this simple pamphlet to be read by the average freedom loving, apolitical American, the creeping collectivism that has undermined so much of what our Founding Fathers intended in the American Constitution could begin to be overturned. Over more than a century the public has been brainwashed into believing that some nebulous concept of public good takes precedence over the individual rights and freedoms that differentiated our nation from all others on earth… Fortunately, Mike Gemmell has the understanding and presence to address the issue head on in a manner that will be clear to any thinking American. His work is a “tour de force.” I lecture to thousands of men and women across America every year. I would love the opportunity to put this important message into all of their hands.
- Jay Lehr, Ph.D.
Science Director
The Heartland Institute