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America’s Defining Moment, Election 2024: Saving the Republic in America

From one concerned American to another,

I am reaching out to you today as one American to another concerning the election of 2024. The matter is urgent, hence my very serious title for this missive: “America’s Defining Moment, Election 2024: Saving the Republic in America.”

Honest elections are an integral part of what keeps our country healthy, but, unfortunately, America’s election integrity in 2024 is being threatened by:

  •  Non-citizen voting
  • Out-of-date voter registries
  • Malfunctioning voting machines
  • Lack of proper voter identification, and
  • Other voting irregularities

Because of these serious threats to our election system, I am asking you to read the following message concerning what is threatening to destroy our ability to achieve honest election results. And when done reading, please take the suggested recommended actions.

Each recommended action should take less than five minutes, and if all are performed should take less than  20 minutes of your time.

Thank you in advance– from one American to another– for taking action concerning this urgent matter.

Very best regards,

Mike Gemmell, President, Restore Our American Republic, LLC

America’s DEFINING Moment- Election 2024: Saving the Republic in America

I’d like to start by having you visualize the image that has been traditionally associated with America, a majestic eagle soaring high above the land. As you probably know, it is a majestic symbol representing freedom, strength, and courage. All qualities exhibited by many individuals, groups, and organizations in America during our 200+ years of existence.


                         America’s symbol: The Majestic Eagle

If you’re like me, you feel a great deal of pride knowing that these qualities—and the majestic symbol of the eagle associated with them– are an integral part of our heritage.

Now I want you to think of that same eagle suddenly plummeting to the ground and landing gravely wounded. Alongside this majestic creature you see a bloodthirsty would-be killer who attacked and brought the eagle to the earth for no other reason than he could.

What would you feel? I know what I would feel: explosive anger of epic proportions. What would you do? Perhaps taking revenge on the sadistic would-be killer would be an initial thought, but, hopefully, you would notice the eagle was wounded rather than killed, and perhaps could be saved if he received skilled medical aid. And with that realization you would no doubt do everything in your power to get it to a veterinary hospital and the medical aid it needed.

This image– although VERY unsettling to contemplate– accurately represents the state of America, the world’s first constitutional republic, a grievously wounded animal.

I apologize for presenting you with such an unsettling image, but I assure you the situation is grave and it is essential to have your full and undivided attention for the message that follows.

And that message is this:

The world’s first constitutional republic, i.e., the United States, has been gravely wounded by both internal and external forces. If our country and way of life are to be restored, the American people MUST become engaged NOW in the effort to restore her health,


the first step in that effort is taking effective action to ensure the integrity of our election process in November 2024  — so that the voting results are accurately tallied and represent the will of the American people.

America’s Philosophic Foundation Unravels

In order to make a solid case for the actions I am asking you to take, I need to first unravel the ideas and events that have created the crisis we are facing. By providing the background on what is occurring, you will be better able to understand the urgency and, hopefully, feel empowered to take the recommended actions.


Philosophic ideas—for better or worse – shape the direction of both individuals and cultures. They do so by addressing fundamental questions of human life such as:

  • What are the defining characteristic(s) of human beings?
  • How do we gain and validate our knowledge?
  • How do we select and apply our values in choosing our life’s direction?

To show the significance of philosophic ideas and their ability to lead and change a culture, let’s review several quotes by American leaders spread across a 200 year+ timespan:

Prominent leaders and intellectuals during the founding days of the United States

“. . . eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man”

– Thomas Jefferson


“Rights are not annexed to us by parchments and seals … They are born with us; exist with us; and cannot be taken from us by any human power without taking our lives.

– John Dickinson, known as the “Penman of the Revolution” 

And prominent leaders and intellectuals during the mid-20th and early 21st century in the United States

 “a man’s intelligence is fundamentally conditioned by the collective thinking of other men; the mind is not a ‘private’ phenomenon, it is a social phenomenon.”

          – John Dewey, Progressive education intellectual


“We are turning away from the entrusting of crucial decisions . . . to individuals who are motivated by private interests.”

– Rex Tugwell, member of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “Brain Trust”

We must heed the “call to sacrifice” and uphold our “core ethical and moral obligation” to “look out for one another” and to “be unified in service to a greater good.” “Individual actions, individual dreams, are not sufficient. We must unite in collective action, build collective institutions and organizations.”

– President Barrack Obama


These statements show a significant shift from the emphasis on the individual and his rights to a perspective in the 20th century that the individual had a lesser moral status than that of society as a whole.

pub interest over priv rights - good intro graphic Elevating the “public interest over private rights

Unfortunately, this perspective and the actions that have implemented it in public policy have led to a massive increase in government spending at all levels in America. And accompanied with that growth in spending have been alarming increases in government overreach leading to the suppression and censorship of individuals disagreeing with government policies such as the COVID pandemic narrative—as well as numerous other abuses into the present day.

The underlying reason for this increase in size and abuse by our government is the flaw in the philosophic perspective that elevates the moral status of society above the individual. When this is done, someone has to attempt to represent society’s interests. This is an impossible task that leads to the abuses we are currently experiencing.

Here is the problem with that fundamentally flawed belief:

Society as a whole is NOT a living entity; it is an abstraction, or concept. Society does not experience, feel, or think, only individuals within a society can do that. For freedom and prosperity to be the order of the day then: the individual MUST be the standard of value, not people in general, and all other incarnations of this idea such as “the greater good,” public interest, General Welfare, etc. must be NOT be given moral status above that of the individual.

For a short ebook presenting the pro-liberty perspective on this critically important subject please download your free copy of: Solving America’s Greatest Conflict: The Public Interest vs. Private Rights available here

America’s Foundation worsens: Postmodernist philosophy dominates our Institutions

In addition to the tilt away from individualism, an even more flawed philosophic perspective has been injected into our major cultural institutions: Postmodernism.

Postmodernism goes beyond ideologies such as Marxism and Fascism with its ability to cause societal mayhem and chaos. Postmodernism advocates:

an explicit attack on objective reality, elevating personal feelings above reason, emphasis on group identity politics, social constructionism, political correctness, multiculturalism, and the rejection of science and technology

Walter Donway in Donald Trump and his Enemies: How the Media put Trump in Office states the Postmodernist outlook as follows:

objectivity, meaning, and reality are denied so that no one can tell me that my wishes, hopes, and whims are not reality. The Postmodernist seeks power over ‘social reality’ – other people—by disarming them intellectually and morally.”

This outlook (Postmodernism) is irrational and cannot lead to anything but utter destruction if used to justify public policy positions.


Q: So, how can someone with a Postmodernist worldview hope to enact public policy?

A: They can’t rationally, reasonably, logically or by appeal to traditional beliefs. So, they avoid being interviewed in forums they can’t control and can’t script their responses. They falsely represent their record and beliefs or let captured media do it for them. Their captured media censors critical responses and smears critics. They use socio-emotional coercion against you if you don’t jump on their bandwagon. They obfuscate the issues, and use every form of deception they can think of, including election fraud.

To me, that sounds a whole lot more like Kamala Harris than Donald Trump…


Q: And what might be the end goal of this deception, censoring, and election fraud?

A: I strongly suspect the words of Walter Donway are right on target for this issue:

The Postmodernist seeks power over ‘social reality’ – other people—by disarming them intellectually and morally.”

Postmodernism as Public Policy

So, what is the evidence that Mr. Donway’s viewpoint on Postmodernism:

The Postmodernist seeks power over ‘social reality’ – other people—by disarming them intellectually and morally.”

is being actively implemented by the Biden/Harris administration?

A review of some current issues should give us our answer…


Skyrocketing crime rates in our major cities

It’s common to hear Kamala Harris and the media claim that violent crime in America is at a 50-year low. A closer look tells a different story…

Less than a year after taking office, Biden-Harris’s administration had the FBI dismantle the long-standing crime reporting system, replacing it in 2021 with a new, ‘woke’ system that is optional for state and local law enforcement agencies to use. As a result, at least 6,000 law enforcement agencies aren’t providing data, meaning that 25% of the country’s crime data is not captured by the FBI.

This deliberate underreporting skews the statistics, painting a falsely optimistic picture of public safety while real Americans continue to suffer from rising crime rates.

Democrat-controlled cities from New York to San Francisco have effectively decriminalized violent crime. For instance, in New York City, 52% of violent felony cases are downgraded to misdemeanors, and offenders are typically offered diversion agreements that keep these offenses out of crime statistics. This manipulation alone could account for a 50% or more drop in reported violent crimes in the Big Apple…

 – Tom Woods, “Is Crime at a 50-year low?”

 Deception, deception, and more deception by the Biden/Harris administration…


Orchestrating massive voter fraud via 8 million illegal aliens crossing the U.S. border with Mexico

Border overrumCrossing into the U.S. from Mexico

State governors and other concerned citizens have been at their wits end to get the Biden/Harris administration to STOP allowing illegal aliens to enter the U.S. Documented increases in criminal activity, terrorists entering the U.S. and massive social problems by allowing in more people than local cities can handle have been ignored by the Biden/Harris administration.

Q: Why has the Biden/Harris administration allowed this to happen?

A: Project Veritas provides the undeniable truth in an undercover video:

“Biden’s State Department Official Admits Great Replacement is Real: They Want to Change the Demographics of the United States.”

See the video for yourself HERE.

And there you have it. If you can’t convince U.S. citizens to vote for your public policies, then bring in non-citizens, give them lots of freebies at U.S taxpayer expense, and make sure you find a way for them to illegally vote in U.S. elections, an effort that is going on at this very moment.

The Biden/Harris administration shows us their true intentions…

AND Kamala Harris and her transport of migrants into the U.S. via her so-called “Lawful Pathways program

 “In a staggering development, newly released data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reveals that nearly 530,000 migrants have flown into the United States and been paroled into the country under the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris administration’s controversial CHNV mass parole program.

In addition to this massive influx, about 813,000 more migrants have scheduled appointments through the CBP One app at ports of entry, where they will also be released into the U.S.

These so-called “lawful pathways” are new processes created by the Harris administration to provide migrants a way into the country without being counted as illegal border crossings. While these individuals are not crossing the border unlawfully, the programs have drawn sharp criticism from immigration enforcement officials and law-and-order advocates for their lack of oversight and potential long-term consequences.

Law Enforcement Overwhelmed

ICE officials are sounding the alarm that the Harris administration’s mass parole programs are adding an enormous strain to an already overburdened system. While ICE is responsible for tracking and removing those with final orders of removal, aggravated felons, and individuals who have entered the U.S. illegally,

it does not have the manpower to track those entering under the new parole programs.

According to a recent Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Inspector General report, no government agency is currently tasked with monitoring when migrants’ parole statuses expire, which raises the risk of widespread unlawful residence.”

– Heidi Ganahl, (“Ganahl: Kamala’s ‘lawful pathways’ program floods U.S. with 1 million-plus migrants, escalates crime in Colorado’s sanctuary cities”)

Deception, deception, and more deception by the Biden/Harris administration…

The destruction of our energy freedom

 “Why would the Biden/Harris administration cancel key pipeline projects and put vast swaths of federal lands rich in oil and gas off limits to production, even as it further drains the strategic petroleum reserve? Why not pump rather than drain our own oil from strategic stockpiles?” (Victor Davis Hanson, “The Logic in all the Madness.”

If you are a Postmodernist and seeking “power over ‘social reality’ “ then one thing you absolutely want to prevent is the people you are seeking power over having access to cheap, abundant energy. If they have that, what use will they have for the power-lusting Postmodernist?

But you can’t say: “I want power over others” you have to disguise it, (deception, remember?) and one way to do that is to jump on the “climate change” bandwagon while simultaneously ignoring that the climate alarmists’ claims concerning destructive effects of fossil fuel use on climate have been WRONG every single time—without exception– since the modern-day environmental movement was in its infancy in the early 1960s.

Deception, deception, and more deception by the Biden/Harris administration…

Throttling Free speech

 Every group or political party that has an agenda involving restrictions on the freedom of any society or culture attempts to control free speech in one way or another.

We now know that the Biden/Harris administration went straight to social media platforms to censor those, (e.g.,  Dr. Jay Bhattacharya)  who attempted to speak out against the official narrative of the government and public health authorities concerning the nature of the COVID pandemic.

Thankfully, we have the visionary, Elon Musk, and his purchase of Twitter (now “X”) opening up a free speech platform to expose the censorship efforts of the Biden/Harris administration during the COVID pandemic –  and beyond.

“Doctor censored by Biden administration calls out scheme of threats and ‘coercion’

– Bob Unruh

Deception, deception, and more deception by the Biden/Harris administration…

Free speech will light the darkness and has always led the way to a more enlightened world. We have Elon Musk to thank for his courage and vision in defending this life-giving principle in today’s world. 

The Desperate Attempts by the Biden/Harris administration to keep Donald Trump from office

By now it should be clear that the Biden/Harris administration is no friend of freedom. Virtually everything they have done has caused harm to the people of the United States. And there is no one they fear more than former President Donald Trump. They are fully aware that if he is returned to office his “draining of the swamp” activities will remove them from power, perhaps permanently.

Here is what has been orchestrated—on the Biden/Harris administration watch to keep him from office…

Q: If Donald  Trump is a “threat to democracy” as the Biden/Harris administration has repeatedly claimed, then why are their attempts to prosecute him for every imaginable offense—failing  time after time, after time?

A: In this observer’s opinion, it is because their claims lack any real substance.

Q: How is that possible?

A: A corrupted government together with a supportive media are the reason.

Jim Rickards has been a keen observer of America’s political scene for many years and was the first man to predict that Trump would win the 2016 election. In short, he is an independent thinker who knows of what he speaks.

For those who want the blow by blow detail of the extraordinary corruption in our government and mainstream media of how  and why they continue to to “mau-mau” Donald Trump to keep him from another term as President, please read the following two insightful articles by Jim Rickards:

“The Mau-Mauing of Trump Just Won’t Stop…”


“Trump Assassination Attempt Part 2”

NOTE: For those individuals who for whatever reason are feeling ambivalent about voting for Former President Donald Trump in the election of 2024, I recommend the updated edition (2024) of The Case for Trump, by historian Victor Davis Hanson, available here.


I hope I have convinced you that we desperately need to remove the Biden/Harris administration from office. They are corrupt, destructive, and a threat to the future of the Republic in America.

It is time to identify the actions needed to remove them from power in November 2024. If you are ready to take action in this regard, please read the following section (A Time for Action), and act on the recommendations listed there. Acting on all of the proposed recommendations should take less than 20 minutes of your time.

A Time for Action

Former President Donald Trump does NOT adhere to a Postmodernist world view. He, like most Americans, is a believer in objective reality, reason, and individualism—all philosophic positions that Postmodernists are implacably opposed to.

In short, Donald Trump did and does stand directly in the path of the Postmodernist juggernaut represented by the Biden/Harris administration. THAT is the reason the conflict between Trump and his supporters vs. Kamala Harris and her supporters has reached an absolute fever pitch heading into the election of 2024.

The contrast in worldviews should now be visible to all. A vote for freedom and prosperity (i.e., former President Trump), or continued mayhem, chaos, economic misery, and heavy-handed totalitarian tactics with Kamala Harris. In short, the opposite of everything America has traditionally stood for.

It is time for we the American people to take action in regard to securing honest election results in November of 2024 as the first significant step toward restoring the republic in America.


ACT for America has taken the lead in the effort to secure honest election results in the U.S. elections of November 2024. To date they have helped remove over a million ineligible voters in Alabama, Ohio, Texas, and Virginia, and in a recent week’s effort took 2 million direct actions via their digital action campaign to lawmakers across all 50 states reminding them of their federal mandate to maintain clean voter lists.

In addition, ACT for America led the way using the power of grassroots action –with  sophisticated digital messaging– to stop the state of California from offering zero-down loans to illegal immigrants. By flooding Governor Newsom’s office with citizen’s calls opposed to the bill, they pressured Newsom to veto the bill.

Bottom line: ACT for America is an incredibly effective force for freedom with their results-oriented, technological savvy which they have used to achieve extraordinary success in promoting a pro-liberty public policy agenda.

Here is how you and I can get involved with their top campaigns concerning U.S. election integrity.


Immediately below are links to their top three campaigns to achieve election integrity in the November 2024 elections.

Please take the 3 to 5 minutes needed to read the purpose of each and then select the “Act Now” button to support these efforts. These campaigns go directly to elected officials and policy officials. Total time to make your voice heard in these three campaigns is less than 20 minutes.

November Election High-Priority Campaigns!

Once these messages are delivered electronically to the doorsteps of elected officials and public policy leaders, the leadership of ACT for America turns up the heat to get the officials to take the recommended actions.

And remember, vote early! For details on how to do this, click here, and don’t forget to share this email with your personal/professional network.

And if you have any doubts about the effectiveness of  ACT for America, please see their website for a list of their winning campaigns.

Concluding Thoughts on Election 2024 and Saving the Republic in America

As I conclude this message to, you, my fellow Americans, let me return to my opening words where I used the metaphor of our majestic eagle who instead of soaring– lies in a crumpled heap on the ground, gravely wounded. Make NO mistake, our country, our culture, and our way of life have been gravely wounded by the Biden / Harris administration. And so I implore you – PLEASE(!) give serious consideration to the message presented here and join us in taking action to secure honest election results as a crucial step in restoring the health of the world’s first constitutional republic.

May the wings of liberty never lose a feather

Very truly yours,

Mike Gemmell



Mike Gemmell

President, Restore Our American Republic, LLC

970.261.9339 |  |

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