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Election 2024: For the Undecided Among Us


 From one concerned American to another,

The following essay is for those Americans who are undecided concerning the casting of their vote in the Election of 2024 for our next president and representatives in Congress. If you are among the “undecided”– or know someone who is undecided– this essay will provide information that should assist with that decision

– Mike Gemmell, President, Restore Our American Republic, LLC


Voting: The First Step Toward a Better Tomorrow

We are living in the most extraordinary of times. Our world along with its first constitutional republic is being threatened with utter destruction. Skyrocketing crime from uncontrolled immigration in both the U.S. and Europe, inflation destroying the value of our currency and causing immense economic hardship, and a federal government more interested in sending $$$ overseas rather than helping its own people, e.g., the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.

It seems that that our own government is hell bent on doing everything possible to unravel the freedom and prosperity that America has created over its 200+ year history.

But all is not lost…

There is significant awareness across America that the policies of the Biden/Harris administration – if continued with a Kamala Harris presidency— will cause grievous damage to what is left of freedom and prosperity in America. That awareness needs to be translated into action … NOW.

NOTE: For a detailed assessment of what an administration led by Kamala Harris would do to the United States, see the free special report, Kamala’s America, by World Net Daily, HERE.

Two Actions to Take for the Election of 2024

There are two crucially important actions that undecided voters need to take for the election of 2024:

  1. Vote for the candidates at all levels of government that stand most consistently for the founding principles of freedom and personal choice.
  1. Support the principal campaigns for election integrity of the ACT for America organization with three actions that should take no more than 15 to 20 minutes.


Vote for America’s Founding Principles

Since Donald Trump first came down the escalator in 2015 at Trump Towers to announce his candidacy for president, the media and those friendly to “Big Government” have been demonizing him in every conceivable way. They were aware then as they are now that his intention to “drain the swamp” would more than likely remove them from power and reduce their influence dramatically, perhaps permanently.

Recognizing him as a threat to their influence, they have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at his reputation in an attempt to keep him from the White House.

Perhaps you sense that the media attacks on Trump are overkill, but are not sure how to incorporate that view into your vote? If that is the case, I suggest voting for the following principles and the candidate that best represents them:

  • Vote for the first amendment and freedom of speech
  • Vote for the second amendment and your right to defend your life and family
  • Vote for the return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts where there is little or no strategic value to America
  • Vote for the continued appointment of Federal judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights
  • Vote for secure borders and legal immigration.
  • Vote for doing away with all the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens.
  • Vote for the military and veterans who fought for this country to give the American people their freedoms.
  • Vote for freedom of religion
  • Vote for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of the indoctrination of our children.
  • Vote for the right to speak your opinion and not be censored.


For interested parties who wish to review the extraordinary corruption in our government and mainstream media concerning how and why they continue to “mau-mau” Donald Trump in order to keep him from a second term as President, please read the following two insightful articles by Jim Rickards:

“The Mau-Mauing of Trump Just Won’t Stop…”


“Trump Assassination Attempt Part 2”


for those individuals who for whatever reason are feeling ambivalent about voting for Former President Donald Trump in the election of 2024, I recommend the updated edition (2024) of The Case for Trumpby historian Victor Davis Hanson, available HERE.

Support ACT for America’s Election Integrity Campaign

Voting for the principles of freedom is step #1 for Election 2024. Step #2 is taking action to ensure that your vote is counted properly. In recent years there have been documented attempts at subverting America’s election integrity by:

  • Non-citizen voting
  • Out-of-date voter registries
  • Malfunctioning voting machines
  • Lack of proper voter identification, and
  • Other voting irregularities

Thankfully, ACT for America has taken the lead in the effort to secure honest election results in the U.S. elections of November 2024. To date they have helped remove over a million ineligible voters in Alabama, Ohio, Texas, and Virginia, and in a recent week’s effort took 2 million direct actions via their digital action campaign to lawmakers across all 50 states reminding them of their federal mandate to maintain clean voter lists.

In addition, ACT for America led the way using the power of grassroots action –with sophisticated digital messaging– to stop the state of California from offering zero-down loans to illegal immigrants. By flooding Governor Newsom’s office with citizen’s calls opposed to the bill, they pressured Newsom to veto the bill.

Bottom lineACT for America is an incredibly effective force for freedom with their results-oriented, technological savvy which they have used to achieve extraordinary success in promoting a pro-liberty public policy agenda.


Immediately below are links to their top three campaigns to achieve election integrity in the November 2024 elections.

Please take the 3 to 5 minutes needed to read the purpose of each and then select the “Act Now” button to support these efforts. These campaigns go directly to elected officials and policy officials. Total time to make your voice heard in these three campaigns is less than 20 minutes.

November Election High-Priority Campaigns!

Once these messages are delivered electronically to the doorsteps of elected officials and public policy leaders, the leadership of ACT for America turns up the “heat” by reminding those holding public office that–

We the People are voicing our preferences in the defense of our rights with the recommended actions presented to elected officials.

And remember, if possible, vote early! For details on how to do this, click here, and don’t forget to share this email with your personal/professional network.

And if you have any doubts about the effectiveness of ACT for America, please see their website for a list of their winning campaigns.

Final Thoughts…

America has been grievously wounded by the Biden/Harris administration and their supporters both inside and outside the U.S. If our country and way of life are to be restored, the American people MUST become engaged NOW in the effort to restore her health.

For those still on the fence concerning how to vote, I urge you to use America’s founding principles as your guide (See section above: Vote for America’s Founding Principles). In addition, with a very small investment of time, you can take effective action to ensure the integrity of our election process in November 2024  — so that the voting results are accurately tallied and represent the will of the American people.

For a more in-depth essay on how and why Election 2024 is critical to the future of America, please see my previous essay:

“America’s Defining Moment, Election 2024: Saving the Republic in America” available HERE..

May the wings of liberty never lose a feather

Very truly yours,

Mike Gemmell



Mike Gemmell

President, Restore Our American Republic, LLC

970.261.9339 |  |


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