Honoring America’s Men and Women in Uniform

Fellow Americans and Freedom-Lovers beyond our shores:
iraqi-war-memorial-for-u-s-soldiersMany of us are angry and frustrated by various harmful and often unlawful activities of the Obama administration as well as those of regulatory agencies under his watch, but none has done more to upset me than the mistreatment of our men and women in uniform, both active and retired. From the mismanagement of the VA Administration, to the purging of top military leaders who refuse to knuckle under to Obama’s political correctness, and worse, to the actual lives being lost by a president with no grasp of strategic defense or foreign policy.

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Grassroots Activism in Action: The Rank-and-File of the FBI vs. James Comey and Hillary Clinton

The defiance of the U.S. Founding Fathers toward the king of England was the catalyst in the establishment of the world’s first republic. It is a spirit that still lives inside America and here at ROAR we celebrate that spirit. Why you may ask? Because to identify and root out the corrupting influences in America’s cultural/political system will require the American people to stand up and challenge individuals and institutions who are actively trying to destroy it.

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A Pre Post-Election Cultural Review

A Pre Post-Election Cultural Review

Yesterday the world witnessed yet another bloody terrorist attack, this time in Nice, France with at least 84 people killed. (This message was originally written in July 2015 – Mike Gemmell) President Obama condemned it as a horrific terrorist attack, but even though the driver is known to have been screaming “Allahu akbar” not one word from our Commander-in-Chief about Islamic jihadists as the cause.

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On October 2nd, ROAR supporter/contributor Alexandra York participated in an online panel discussion, “Socialism in America” hosted by John Anthony, Founder of the Sustainable Freedom Lab. To listen to her segment, please select the following link: http://sustainablefreedomlab.org/sia-part-2/?ct=t()&mc_cid=556d6b90d1&mc_eid=3983b5cb8e. The text of her talk is presented below. Please note: a portion of

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A Time for Action: Syrian Refugees Flood the U.S.

This message addresses the national security issue of un-vetted Syrian refugees entering the U.S. It begins with a question that goes to the heart of the issue, and it ends with a series of suggested actions to stop the un-vetted influx of Syrian refugees currently flooding the U.S. I am recommending this action to help prevent the destruction of the culture of the U.S. in the manner that is presently occurring all across Europe from the influx of Muslim refugees created by the civil war in Syria.

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